The most common defects; what should you check:
1. The manufacture of the pin
The original pin has a precisely manufactured uniform that retains the lubrication oil. On low quality pins, the loads only hit the tops. This causes faster oil loss with a reduction in lubrication and increase in wear.
2. Loss of good combustion
The profile of the piston chamber and its direction must precisely correspond to the characteristics of the injectors to achieve optimum combustion. Unsuitable injectors and pistons cause bad combustion, non-uniform power, high fuel use and high emissions.
3. Oversized boring
The pin’s housing must be exactly the same diameter as that of the pin itself. Inaccurate manufacturing leaves light between the pin and the piston that causes knocking, rapid wear and reduced durability.
The most common defects; what should you check:
1. Barrels are too thin
Thin barrels cause surface irregularities on an engine block transferring these onto the internal wall of the barrel. This will lead to a bad guide between the piston and segment and deep grooves.
2. Incorrect bevel
If the width of the bevel, at the base of the barrel (fig. c) is too narrow, the barrel will become vulnerable to breakage during mounting.
3. Inconsistent roughness within the barrel
The angle of the roughness governs oil containment and the lubrication of the segments.
4. If the angle is too narrow
The oil flows too quickly and does not lubricate very much.
5. If the angle is too open
The oil is retained causing excessive fuel consumption and a great deal of smoke.
6. Effect of inconsistent roughness
Inconsistent roughness causes low oil efficiency with an increase of wear and the danger of seizure.
The most common defects; what should you check:
1. Segments
The elastic rings (or segments) must exercise a uniform and correct pressure on the barrel. Fake segments can create excessive pressure that can break the film of oil, increase the level of wear, decrease power and cause seizure to due contact between the metal parts.